Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Excel's CLEAN Function is More Powerful Than You Think

Microsoft Excel's Clean function strips nonprintable characters from cell text. These nonprintable characters constitute the first 32 characters of the 7-bit ASCI code, which houses the 128 text characters used by all computers for data storage and computing. Because the 7-bit ASCI code is so widely used in computer processing, copying and pasting data from other applications or business databases frequently copies the nonprintable characters as well. To remove these nonprintable characters, you can apply the Clean function to all cells simultaneously.

Step 1

Open your spreadsheet in Microsoft Excel, right-click the column letter located to the right of the data column and select "Insert" to create a new, blank column. As an example, to clean data in cells A1 through A100, right-click the column header "B" and select "Insert" to create a new "B" column.

Step 2

Click the cell in the new column that corresponds to the first data point in the data column. In the example, click cell "B1."

Step 3

Hold the "Shift" key and click the cell in the new column that corresponds to the last data point in the data column. In the example, hold "Shift" and click cell "B100" to select cells "B1" through "B100."

Step 4

Type "=CLEAN(A1)" without quotes and press "Ctrl-Enter" to apply the Clean function to the entire selection and clean every data point in your list.

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